Saturday, November 03, 2012
Things aren't going up and down for me, neither it's going down nor up for me also.
I just feel that things are the same, i don't even know if how should I feel, or how should I not.
But the me is coming back, not the younger type of me, but the older type of me, where everything will go into negative thoughts. It is bad, really, but I feel so normal, maybe this is what people called it "numb."
The same thing happen over and over again, I don't get it, why can't I control myself?
I can keep the promises I have with others, but I can't keep the promises I have for myself, because I myself is not that important? But no, the way I treat myself is better then I treat other, but it's no again.
I'm not getting it right anymore, forget it, let's keep all this thoughts, and think again the next time.
@ 2:18 AM
Keep it there ~